OK guys. Something like this is uncommon. Vintage Charlie Chaplain items like this are nearly impossible to find. They came out of an old theatre in Brooklyn, NY. They are 11" tall thin paper handbills that they passed out in front of the theater to attact customers. It advertises D. W. Griffith's The Fall of Babylon which was made in 1919, so that is the time period these are from. It shows the second feature was Charlie Chaplan's comedy "Carman" which was made in 1917. This was the era of the silent movie and so it says "music throughout the entire show". What that means is that some guy played the organ while you watched the silent movies. This is a very good piece and we are proud to be able to offer it. These are the only examples we've ever seen. We bought them right and so are passing them on at an amazing price.
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