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How to Start Collecting Antiques

September 10, 2023

Do you have an eye for vintage items? Do the stories and history behind traditional antiques spark your interest? If so, why not start an antique collection of your own? Collecting antiques can be a great hobby to pick up! Not only is it a fantastic way to add quirky decor to your home, but as each piece has its unique story, it will also take you on an exciting journey through time. This blog post provides comprehensive advice on how to start collecting antiques, the types of antiques you want to collect and learning to spot the fake antiques. You'll soon understand exactly what makes antique collectors tick!

Understand What "Antiques" Actually Mean

Before diving into the world of antique collecting, it's important to understand what "antiques" actually mean. Antique items are typically those that are over 100 years old and hold significant historical or cultural value. This can include anything from artwork to one-of-a-kind sports memorabilia, sewing-related antiques, vintage antique jewelry, and clothing.

Knowing this distinction is essential because it allows you to identify and differentiate between genuine antiques and vintage or simply old items at an antique shop. It also helps you develop a deeper appreciation for the art and craftsmanship that went into creating antique pieces.

Decide What Types of Antiques You Want to Collect

If you're curious about delving into the world of antiques, the first step is to decide what antiques you want to collect. Antiques encompass many objects, including antique furniture, art, textiles, jewelry, books, and more. The options can be overwhelming, but it's essential to determine what interests you the most.

Consider your taste and style. Think about what would complement your home or be something you'd enjoy taking care of and displaying. Additionally, research the market value of the objects you're considering. Whether you're interested in investing or want to ensure you're not paying too much, it's essential to shop confidently.Once you've narrowed down what you want to collect, start exploring. Go to flea markets, check vintage antique stores to see what's out there. You may find something that perfectly fits your taste or stumble upon a unique piece that sparks a new interest. Remember, the joy of collecting antiques is in the hunt, so enjoy the journey as you build your perfect antique collection.

Start Small

When collecting antiques, it's important to remember that Rome wasn't built in a day. Starting small and choosing the right one is an excellent way to develop your passion while also allowing you to accumulate knowledge and expertise. Begin by identifying a particular niche or area of antiques that sparks your interest. Once you've honed in on a specific area, start by acquiring one or two pieces at a time from a reliable antique shop. Rather than simply buying the first thing you see, take the time to look around and compare different items.

It's also important to find trustworthy antique dealers and sellers. This can be accomplished through online research or by attending local antique shows and markets. By starting small, you'll cultivate relationships with antique shops, dealers, and reference materials that can help you build on your knowledge base. Finally, remember that building an antique collection is a long-term endeavor. By focusing on quality over quantity and building slowly over time, you can develop a display that reflects your interests and tastes.

Know Where to Start

Make a list of local antique shops, auctions, and estate sales, online antique stores. Make sure to research antique shows and events in your area to discover hidden gems. Join online forums and subscribe to antique magazines to stay up-to-date on industry news and events.

Educate Yourself

A crucial aspect of antique collecting is educating yourself on your desired items. This involves understanding the history and value of each piece, as well as how to properly care for and store them.

Read books, watch documentaries, and attend workshops to expand your knowledge. This will allow you to make informed decisions and avoid purchasing damaged or overpriced items.

Learn to Spot Fake Antiques

Antique collecting can be a worthwhile hobby, but knowing how to spot fake antiques is essential. It is common for fraudsters to deceive buyers by replicating antique items. Don't be fooled by an antique item that looks too clean, polished and appears to be in mint condition. These are some of the telltale signs of counterfeit antiques. Research, visit established antique shops, and ask experts or seasoned antique collectors.

Another significant way to spot fake antiques is by examining the item's materials. Specific materials were used to create antique items during different periods, which differ from modern-day materials. Figuring out whether the materials used to construct an object fall within a specific historical period can be a helpful approach in spotting fake antiques. Lastly, the overall quality and craftsmanship of the item are also crucial components to consider.

Enjoy the Process

Starting a collection of antiques can be an exciting and enjoyable experience. It allows you to admire the beauty of the past while preserving a piece of history for future generations. It's essential to enjoy the process of collecting rather than becoming too focused solely on acquiring pieces.

When starting, begin with items that genuinely interest you and fit within your budget. Take the time to browse through antique markets, shops, and online auctions to get a broad idea of what's available. Remember that your collection is unique, so don't feel pressured to follow trends or rules.

While collecting antiques may seem intimidating initially, enjoying the journey is essential. Collecting allows your passion and admiration for history to grow as you discover the stories behind each piece. Take your time, learn as much as you can about each item, and share your love for antiques with others. Happy collecting!

Things to Consider While Choosing Antiques:

Starting to collect antiques can be a fun and exciting experience, which can lead to the discovery of unique and rare items that give a glimpse into the past. However, before diving into the world of antiques, there are a few key things to consider to ensure your collection is valuable, interesting, and well-curated.


When it comes to antiques, age is a crucial factor to consider. Typically, antiques are at least 100 years old, and the older an item is, the more valuable it tends to be. However, it's important to note that age alone doesn't necessarily determine an item's worth - other factors such as rarity, condition, and quality also play a significant role.


The condition of an antique is another critical factor to consider when building your collection. Ideally, you want to find pieces in excellent, or at least good, condition. Antique items that have been well-preserved usually come with a premium price tag, so consider the extent of repair work that may need to be done if you're looking for a project to restore yourself.


Quality is another hallmark of valuable antiques. Look for pieces that have been crafted with care and precision using high-quality materials. Familiarizing yourself with the various styles and techniques of different periods will help you determine quality when selecting your pieces.


In general, rarer antiques are more highly valued than more common ones. Items that were only produced in limited runs or that have a unique aesthetic will often command higher prices at auctions or in antique dealerships. Rarity can also be influenced by the location in which the piece was made, adding to its exceptional value.


While value is often subjective and ever-changing, studying trends can provide valuable insights into what makes antiques compelling and sought-after. Popular styles or historical periods may become more collectible in concert with a revived interest through new series or film adaptations, and studying current sales trends can help you make informed decisions on what to focus your collection on and its potential future value if you plan on selling antiques.


An antique with a great story is more likely to be special to you and to others. The provenance of a piece can make it a valuable piece of history. Make sure to research the history behind an antique to find out what makes it unique and collectible. The story associated with an item is what gives it a sense of history, and by dedicating yourself to learning and sharing these stories, you deepen your appreciation for your antique experience.

Collecting antiques is an investment of time and money. By keeping the above-mentioned factors in mind while building your collection, you'll ensure that you're making purchases that are well-informed, high-quality, and, most importantly, meaningful to you.


Starting a collection of antiques can be an enriching and rewarding endeavor. By understanding what defines an antique, having a clear focus, and continuously educating yourself, you can develop a discerning eye and build a collection that reflects your personal taste and interests. Remember to start small, enjoy the process, and let each unique piece add its own story to your growing collection. Happy collecting!

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