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Vintage Cleaning: How to Take Care of Your Vintage Finds

June 19, 2023

How Elements Can Damage Your Vintage Finds

Vintage finds refer to clothing, cookware, or accessories made decades ago and have since become collector's items due to their rarity or unique style. While vintage finds can add character and history to any wardrobe, they are also susceptible to damage from various elements. Look at some of the elements that can potentially damage your vintage finds and ways to avoid these damages.


Humidity and moisture are some of the most common elements that can damage vintage fabrics. When left in humid spaces or storage areas, vintage clothing can develop mold or mildew, ultimately leading to discoloration and permanent damage to the item. To avoid this, storing your vintage finds in airtight bags or boxes with moisture-absorbing sachets is important to prevent moisture build-up.


Sunlight is another element that can cause permanent damage to vintage fabrics. Direct exposure to sunlight can cause fading and discoloration, leaving your vintage pieces with uneven coloring. It is important to avoid exposing your vintage finds to direct sunlight for extended periods to avoid this. Consider wearing protective clothing or using umbrellas to shield your vintage finds from direct sunlight when out and about.


Insect damage is another common threat to vintage clothing. Moths, in particular, have a great affinity for wool and silk fabrics and can cause irreparable damage to these fabrics. It is vital to store your vintage finds in sealed bags with mothballs or cedar chips to keep insects at bay.


While vintage finds are treasures worth investing in, it is essential to understand the potential damage that various elements can cause. 

Taking Care of Your Vintage Finds

Vintage Leather Items


Vintage leather items are a unique and valuable addition to any collection. Whether a classic leather jacket, a leather bag, or a vintage leather belt, vintage cameos, these items are extremely popular among fashion enthusiasts and collectors. However, taking care of these items can be a task, as leather is a delicate material that needs to be cared for properly to ensure it remains intact, supple, and looks great.


The first and most important tip for taking care of your vintage leather items is to clean them regularly. You should use a soft, dry cloth to dust off the surface of the leather and remove any dirt or debris. If you find any tougher stains or marks, you can use a damp cloth to gently wipe them away. It is important to avoid using harsh chemicals or detergents, as these can strip the leather of its natural oils and cause it to dry out. You can try a quality prewash stain remover specially crafted for leather items to remove stubborn stains.


Regular conditioning is another important tip for caring for your vintage leather items. This will help to keep the leather soft and supple and prevent it from cracking or drying out. You can use a leather conditioner or oil to nourish the leather and keep it looking great for years.


Lastly, it is important to store your vintage leather items properly. Leather should be stored in a dry, cool place, away from direct sunlight and heat. You can also use a dust bag to protect the leather and prevent it from scratching or rubbing.

Glass Vessels


Glass vessels, such as antique glassware or vintage vases, can add a touch of elegance and sophistication to any space. However, caring for these delicate items is essential to preserving their beauty and value.


First, it's crucial to handle glass vessels with care. Always hold them from the base or a sturdy area, avoiding the delicate parts. Avoid leaving them in direct sunlight or extreme temperatures, as sunlight can fade colors, and heat can cause cracks. Instead, clean them with warm water and mild soap and dry them with a soft microfiber cloth.

Another important thing to remember is to avoid using harsh chemicals or acidic solutions used for fighting tough laundry stains. Such substances can corrode the glass surface and ruin the intricate designs and patterns, thus devaluing the item.


Always store glass vessels in a dry, cool place, preferably wrapped in a soft cloth or paper towels to prevent chipping or cracking. 

Vintage Furniture Items


Vintage furniture items and vintage beads possess an inherent charm and character that is unmatched by contemporary furniture. However, they require specific care and maintenance to preserve their value and beauty.

One of the most crucial things to remember is to avoid placing vintage furniture items in areas with extreme temperatures or intense sunlight, as this can cause damage to the wood or upholstery. Additionally, avoid placing items on vintage furniture that may scratch the surface.


Regular cleaning is also essential for maintaining the luster and longevity of vintage furniture items. Wipe the surfaces with a soft, damp cloth and avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive substances that may harm the furniture finish. Specialized wood cleaners can help prevent the drying out of the wood over time and bring dull wood furniture to its original condition.


Moisture control is essential when it comes to vintage furniture. Regularly check for mold or mildew build-up and keep the furniture in a dry, clean area away from moisture.


By following these simple tips, you can keep your vintage furniture items in excellent condition for years to come, preserving their antique value and beauty.



Vintage rugs can provide a timeless appeal to any space in your home. However, caring for these valuable rugs can be challenging, especially since they're older and made with delicate materials.


To keep your vintage rugs looking their best, it's essential to take proper care of them. Vacuuming can help keep dirt and dust particles from accumulating in the fibers, causing permanent damage. If your rug is shedding, avoiding the vacuum cleaner's beater brush is best, as it can further damage the fibers.


Cleaning your vintage rug should be done by professionals who specialize in this task. Improper prewash stain remover or liquid laundry detergent cleaning methods can cause discoloration and shrinkage. Moreover, DIY methods are usually ineffective in cleaning tough stains, and the stain remains the same. A professional cleaner will use the right tools, proven stain remover techniques, and cleaning solutions to keep your rug looking its best.


Also, be careful when placing furniture on the rug, as it can cause impressions on the fibers that can be difficult to remove. And if you spill anything on the rug, be sure to clean it up right away to avoid stains. These professionals have highly effective solutions that can eliminate blood stains, chocolate stains, grass stains, and more.

Paper Mache


Paper mache items can be very delicate and fragile. Vintage paper mache pieces are even more sensitive to wear and tear. To keep your vintage paper mache collectibles in excellent condition, there are a few helpful tips to consider.


First, avoid exposing your paper mache pieces to direct sunlight or other harsh lighting sources for extended periods. Sunlight can cause the colors to fade, and the heat can cause cracking.


When cleaning your paper mache objects, using a damp cloth or soft brush is best. Avoid using harsh chemicals that can scratch or damage the surface. Also, keep your paper mache collectibles dry to avoid any moisture-related damage.


Store your paper mache pieces in a cool, dry place where they won't experience any rough handling. Cover them with tissue paper or bubble wrap to protect them from any accidental damage.


Taking proper care of your vintage paper mache pieces can help them last for years and continue bringing joy and beauty to your home.

Brass and Copper Items


Brass and copper items are popular finds among vintage collectors. These metals have a unique charm and add character to any space. However, they can be prone to tarnishing over time. To take care of your brass and copper items, it is recommended to clean them regularly with a soft cloth and warm water. Avoid using abrasive cleaners as they may damage the metal. Alternatively, you can try using natural cleaners like lemon juice and baking soda. Baking soda can give your metal items a new shine. If your brass or copper item is heavily tarnished, a mixture of distilled white vinegar and salt can be effective. Regular care and maintenance will help preserve these vintage finds' beauty and durability for many years.



Ultimately, you should remember that any vintage item you find is a part of history and should be cared for properly. If it's something familiar to you, like a classic piece of furniture or clothing item, research the best ways to clean and keep it looking great for years. For other vintage finds, such as antiques and collectible items, use the same techniques to make sure they don't degrade over time. You'll want to store them in main living areas with display-friendly temperatures. Any stains should be treated immediately and carefully with delicate cleaning products to preserve their integrity. Check out local experts for advice on caring for your items and maintaining their longevity if they become too difficult for you to handle alone. Taking care of your vintage finds offers so many opportunities beyond just simply having a good collection; it gives valuable knowledge about the past from an entirely different perspective.

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